Bookmark this page! This is where you learn all about tubing benders, and get 100% free access to online tools, calculators, tables of data, design insights, examples, and fabrication instructions. Learn how to bend tube, notch pipe, weld fit joints, fixture assemblies, and more. This resource is still being developed in 2024! If you are new to this, we recommend reading these in order, from top to bottom (most table data you can just skim over and know that it is available when needed for reference).
Start here! We will help you learn everything you need to know about tube benders, how dies are measured, and how to select the right machine for your project or shop, even if it isn’t one of ours.
Print this out or bookmark it. This is the master list of all capacities of our line of tubing benders. What will bend, and what it will take to get your model 600 metal tube bender to bend other materials. Great resource for chosing materials for projects, and chosing dies!
Time to learn how to bend tubing! We’re here to teach you all the details. Starting with BENDING 101, and moving upward through the lessons to your fabrication success.
Learn how bend quality is measured and calculated, and use our simple tool to find out how good your bends are. No math required! If you’re having bend quality issues, we’ll help you understand and solve them.
We are developing a suite of tools and calculators to help you stay productive while you’re bending. These tools may not be as complete as tube design software, but they are very helpful, completely free to everyone, and they work on any tube bender/notcher.
The BEST free tube stress calculator on the internet. Another good one to bookmark and share. Great for comparing and selecting materials for a project.
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